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            Buying or selling property in Ontario? The market is exceptional, but how can you be sure you’re getting the best deal you can get? Not on your house, but on your agent.

            Other agents charge 5% or more in commission to sell your house for you, which could be $40,000 or more if you live in the GTA. Don’t Pay to List wants to change that though, by foregoing their half of that 5%, giving an extra 2.5% of your sale price back to you.

            With a growing team of experienced realtors, Don’t Pay to List wants to get you the best deal on your house, getting you as much as possible for your hard earned investment. We can’t change the other guys, but we will do everything we can to make sure you are happy.

            Check us out at dontpaytolist.com and set up an appointment to meet with us today.

            What would you do with an extra $20,000? You could take it and use it on some renovations for your basement, or take the family to Tahiti. Maybe you want to retire a few years early, so you put it away in an investment. You can do whatever you want with it, because it is all yours.

            No, this isn’t some sort of gimmick or get rich quick scheme. If you are looking to sell property in the GTA, you could be missing out on a lot of money that should be yours. When selling your house or condo, the agent representing you and the agent representing the buyer both take their cut of 2.5% from the money you should be earning once you complete the sale. On an average GTA property, that’s $40,000.

            Don’t Pay to List wants to change that by bringing the housing market back to the people doing the buying and selling. We can’t change the other guys, but Don’t Pay to List foregoes their 2.5% of the sale, giving the money back to you, the client. With a growing team of experienced realtors, Don’t Pay to List gives you the exact same satisfaction as the other guys, but with none of the excess fees.

            Visit us online at dontpaytolist.com and set up an appointment to meet with us today.

            Do you feel like you’ve outgrown the house you live in? Has that “new house” feeling worn off, and now you’re browsing the market dreaming of something new? Well it’s time to give in to those desires, with the help of Don’t Pay to List.

            Property buying has moved away from being a client friendly experience. Brokers and agents today ask for 5% or more of what you earn on your property in commission, even though selling and buying property in the GTA has become easier than ever. That means $40,000 or more of the money you’re supposed to be getting from your property is being taken away.

            Don’t Pay to List thinks that the market should return to its client-friendly roots, where you can get what you deserve for your property. By foregoing our 2.5% of the commission, Don’t Pay to List lets you keep an extra $20,000 or more from the sale.

            Maybe now you can think about trading up? With the deals that Don’t Pay to List gets, you can think about selling your property and moving in to a fancy new property. Maybe you can move closer to the Skydome so you’ll have a better view of the Jays game.

            With a growing team of experienced realtors, Don’t Pay to List can get you the money you deserve, and the house you’ve always dreamt of.

            Don’t wait for someone else to buy that house. Visit us at dontpaytolist.com today, and set up an appointment with a realtor to start looking through everything that is out there.

            You may have heard of some other companies that try to cut you a deal when you’re selling your house. They claim to offer a flat commission wage or that they will give you incredibly low commission rates. Some claim to even charge you 0% if you use them. The thing is that these websites have hidden fees that they put on you later on down the line, after it’s too late to go back. Maybe some forms have already been signed, maybe it’s just after enough work that going to someone else will take too much time. Some of them will even charge you if a sale doesn’t even go through!

            Don’t let them fool you, and don’t let them stress you out. The best service in Ontario that is truly on your side is Don’t Pay to List. With the same services as every other broker, Don’t Pay to List is willing to truly give up their 2.5% of commissions in order for you, the client, to get the best deal you can get.

            Don’t Pay to List thinks that the housing market should return to the client-friendly market it used to be, and that the overpaid agents and brokers should do their best to make this happen. We can’t change the other guys, but Don’t Pay to List will make sure that you have the best experience selling and buying a house as possible.

            Don’t let those other guys trick you in to a deal with hidden fees. Get the most for your property with Don’t Pay to List. Visit us online at dontpaytolist.com, and set up an appointment to meet with one of our agents today.

            Look around your town or city and you’ll find that almost every real estate broker is the same. The same look, the same lack of good deals on property, and the same lack of desire to make the client truly happy with their purchase. It’s like if the food you bought cost the exact same in every grocery store you went to.

            Don’t Pay to List wants to change that. With our method of foregoing our 2.5% of commission on sales we get some of the best offers on the market for real estate, and with our team of experienced agents dedicated to your satisfaction you can rest assured that you will love every house you see. Then, when you want to move in to a bigger house, sell with Don’t Pay to List to keep that extra 2.5% of commission.

            Visit us online at dontpaytolist.com, and set up an appointment with one of our dedicated agents today. Don’t let other brokers keep you focused on the few houses they sell; let Don’t Pay to List show you the dream house you’ve always wanted. 

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