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Average Consumer Post

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            For almost everyone, buying and selling property is a major moment to look forward to in life. It could be the moment you finally have a place to call your own, or it could mean you’re about to have a payday. This means you’re going to have to navigate the housing market though, which can be a very intimidating place if you aren’t properly prepared. With brokers trying to get as much money as they can from a sale, you can never be too sure who is on your side and who is out to use you.

            As a real estate investor in Ontario, Zohra felt like she was being unfairly capitalized on. Building a career through buying and selling real estate, she experienced the greed of brokers and agents first hand. With each agent taking their cut of the deal for something so simple, it became evident to Zohra that the market had turned into a numbers game that favored the broker over the property owner. Something had to change before things got worse, and Zohra did just that.

            Rather than try to change the current agents and brokers, Zohra decided to challenge them at their own game by establishing Don’t Pay to List™, a service with the goal of bringing the market back to the people. To do this, Don’t Pay to List™ is based around the idea of agents foregoing their 2.5% cut on the sale of a property in order to give the property owner a larger cut of the deal. For the average house in Ontario (about $547,389), this means the owner receives an extra $13,684 in profit. Then when you buy a new property, Don’t Pay to List™ guarantees that any future listing will be done for free so long as it is a property that was originally bought through them. Teaming up with Don’t Pay to List™ is like getting paid to join a team that continually thinks ahead for your best interests.

            One client at a time, Zohra and Don’t Pay to List™ plans to bring the market back to its consumer oriented roots. With a growing family of reputable agents already making deals across Ontario, nobody else has to feel taken advantage of or unsatisfied when buying or selling real estate. Whether you’re looking for a new home, or you need to make your living, Don’t Pay to List™ will be there for you every step of the way.   

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